Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Household chores

working full time at home is not an easy task.. as I have discovered and to my additional internet addiction, have also seen it is all the more impossible to be able to complete all work in time and still have some time to 'relax'

This luxury of relaxation seems to be a very far away item on my agenda now onwards. I see how tracking and keeping pace with everything needs so much focus and attention esp. because 4 hours of my time are literally lost not being able to do any other work... only traveling stuffed up in a bus...

So going forward, each and every minute has to be made to count towards each and every goal I am trying for... including defining those goals.
I believe I need to now work on a plan by planning my work which I never did so long. Esp. also because I need to set up an example for the family which is my biggest concern now.

Work will start from Monday as indicated yesterday. I need to see how hectic this will be to be able to plan the rest of my days. For 1 frikkin full year, I have wasted my time..
now I have things that are all the more important
a. MBA within 1 year with exams every 2 months; Rs. 8000 + 2400 fees including exams and material
b. PMP - this looks like a lost item for now. I will have to re-work all my options and submit my application again sometime later esp. because of the expenses... $405 = Rs. 25000 almost looking at Rs. 52/- to the $
c. Baby attention - medical and all things logistical
d. Relocation to a new apartment if possible - expensive to say the least (Rent of the month + deposit around 1 lac)
e. Car if I can afford this too in the above list.
f. attention towards amma and pappa which I have as a very high priority though in parallel, the career front will get impacted if I go back to Indore.
so all these are now going to hit hard if I don't plan well and well enough

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