Monday, February 9, 2009

the awakening of sorts

Over the weekend and Monday, I have realised some very key things which I need to keep working on going forward.

just a jot of the key things i had on mind first...
- I have some key dates in hand today
- 16th , 19th , 21st Dec. when we tried to do it... and probably succeeded because the date of 5th Jan was missed.

- Then on 8th Feb, an official medical test confirmed it to be true, though it was confirmed on 28th of Jan itself when the home test was done.

I am in a mixed set of feelings which range from feeling nothing to feeling something big that's going to hit me soon....

I have to keep track of each and every activity of mine and ours to be able to see how the new life grows and takes wings. It surely now means a very keen observation on the self... more than anything else

This diary will help me in tracking my own inner journey and experiences in the times to come, as long as I keep updating it.

Like yesterday and today - 9th Feb, I have been through this intense realisation that I have been wasting so much time in life, that I need to be punished bad for it, and that is the punishment that might be coming to me in the form of the move to Pune.
Apparently, today, the move confirmation has still been stalled but my whole morning was spent trying to contact Uma Roy and Pramod Kumar who seem to have architected this move to Pune.... just out of the blue - but as it was expected, that things would turn unexpected ways in these times...

So today, I still confirmed that tomorrow - Tuesday 10th, the move might get finalised. I am still sitting here late into Tuesday morning writing this whence I should be asleep... esp. with my eyes suffering the irritation that needs some treatment and cure sooner....

But yes, the day was hectic as I really got down to saving my life, and tomorrow will be another such day, esp. with the training thrown into the schedule to make it all the more hectic for me....
I will survive it, but I want to avert the transfer for now....

and plan for the coming in of the new traveller.... I hope I don't fail here as miserably as I did in other spheres...

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