Wednesday, May 6, 2009

change in work

The day began with training - cross cultural sensitivity..
it ended with the note that my work of transition needs to be stopped...
in a way.. i feel happy
in a way.. i feel it might all work out in the end for me to be with the baby when it comes along...
but i am just counting on my stars now for that to happen

bujju has been trying to keep things going - with the limited manoeuvrability she has, she has been keeping the engine rolling.. i sometimes feel that I am being overprotective - lest there is some problem and I will have to shell out loads of money to get the issue resolved.. my complete approach is from the expenses perspective and that is what is keeping me so tied down to not venturing out and do things - do new things - do things differently...

i get to talk to the baby every day morning and evening... bujju acts so cutish when she talks to the baby posters... i simply love the childlike thoughts she has and her tone and at some level, though she knows she is that, she also possesses that maturity that I don't see much of.. she acts childlike but she definitely knows when to cut the crap and get to serious business..

i am hoping of all hopes that I am able to work from Indore during the months of Aug end to Sept end... so help me God!!!

the baby is in the 20th week.. and I am confused.. sometime last week also it was the 20th week.. the calculation shows this should be the 21st...
and that is a huge thing.. there is listening ability coming up soon and sensations will begin to flow in too... nature has this amazing creative power that I totally totally bow down to...
may the good forces be with the baby!!!

bal vaakyam daiva vaakyam!!! - bujju told me this day before yesterday.. she knows much.. the information comes out as needed..
she has this amazing fascination for the devi jatra that happens till Kartik Ekadasi year.. I need to write more about this in time..

for the baby, from my side, i want a mix bringing up of traditional culture and the current 'care-two-hoots' culture but I myself am not so connected with the traditional culture.. so I need to work on that.. and will need to ask bujju about how she wants to bring up the baby...
should be a very balanced mix and I hope I will be able to do justice to my own role
I want the baby to live with Amma Pappa and at least feel that companionship and also with the other elders in the family so that there is some essence that gets transferred.. but time shall only tell..

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