Tuesday, December 28, 2010

baby steps are here..

Our sweet baby started showing more confidence since yesterday 27th Dec 10. This is in addition to all the other memorable things she has showered us with… by her quick learning antics.


She took more than 2 of her baby steps without support… which starts her on her way to being the complete person she is designed to be…


She is understanding her body balance given she now walks faster with bigger steps while taking support of our single finger….


She listens attentively and she responds with her monosyllables

Her extended vocab now includes an emphatic ‘dha dha’ when she is excited to see something…


When she sees decorative lights, she is exclaiming emphatically…

She has tried to imitate a doggy ‘bhow bhow’ and is getting close to it.. also noticed she is now imitating a crows cawing…


A couple of days back she had tried to imitate my gargling also…


I will have to sit in peace and describe her to us and to herself… when she reads about it when she needs to..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Been ages I wrote over the last 6 months… lots to share but can’t really express it when there is no time, no focus and there is too many thoughts to share with my only world… my baby!!!

Still hope I can write sometime soon all that I want her to know about herself and how we perceived her to give the additional boost of confidence and determination …

As on 21/12/10… My darling sweetheart has started taking her independent steps from today as reported by Mummy dear… hesitant but definitely the attempt is there..

She has been scared of falling and injuring herself as she has fell multiple times hitting her head on the floor…

She has been in Baroda and Indore after 9 months of stay in Bombay… and with all the people around in the marriage setting.. surely that has given her a boost of confidence it seems..

More on this soon..