Been another long while that I have had the inclination to write though there is an urgent need to express for all that is happening around me
The rains were in a way delayed but somehow since Jun 10th they were supposed to be in, came in around the 15th or so – the Monday of the 14th it began raining with a very hot and humid weekend before that
I remember how I was praying for it to rain that weekend…
Today a similar situation is present in Indore when I spoke to Amma/PAppa
They said it is hot humid, the cooler is still running 24 hrs… hope it starts raining this weekend there…
Coming to the key area of expression… bubbu has been a darling all along and she is all the more endearing with every passing day
She has been through a few bouts of ups and downs -
Bubbu has started responding in her own hmmm hmmm manner and started communicating her thoughts to us
Has started doing this since around the 2nd week of June.
It’s very interesting how these small milestones get missed in the daily rush of the day
Her mom is always with her and knows when the baby has done something new but for me, sitting at office, when I go back home, I hardly get to notice these things till I spend an extended period with her.
That’s how I noticed how she had begun taking support of the French window frame and started standing up – on the last week, I think it was on 19th that I saw this though she would have been doing it almost a week or so before this date
Similarly, she has since started responding, it’s been about a week or so that this I noticed.
I started noticing this when I returned home in the evening and as the door opened and I acknowledged her, she used to express her happiness by shaking her legs and making happy sounds.
After that, over the last week, noticed that she began expressing herself through sounds as though seeking approval, indicating her interest and things which make you want to make her express herself better.
The way the mind works in these developmental stages is amazing.. I just wish I am able to share as much time with her as possible and also get her to learn things quickly at this age.
Her 9th month onset has got her to take her measles vaccination. today being the 5th day, the doc advised 10% kids show feverish symptoms between the 5th and 12th day.
Let’s hope she is in the 90% sample space. Another noticeable thing of hers is her keen interest in inspecting all corners of the house walking on her fours.
It’s an interesting space she creates for herself.. ambling like a tiger would, it’s an interesting thing to watch.. how she paces herself and puts her palms gingerly on the floor… as though expecting something else to come up from the floor…
So many other things have been missed by me… to record chronologically… though there are those random videos I have taken, but the major part of her growth happens in the day, when her mom is with her and in the hectic schedule, she does not feel inclined to shoot such memorable videos.
However, I hope I can put these memoirs online sooner than later to keep tabs on what our past and feelings were when we read these again later – a few years later maybe!!!