Bubbu’s growth pattern improved in the 7th month after she came here to Bombay.
Over the last 3 days – since 4th May 10, she has been saying her first so called sound – tatatatata.. the soft ‘t’
She started sleeping on her side since the 3rd week of March
She started getting up on her arms since she came here in March ‘10
And to get on those arms, she used to flex her legs while lying on her back – raise them up and tense the muscles of her thighs and calf – flexing them to build strength in them to help her support when she on her stomach…
She started her attempts to stand on all fours in the 1st week of April ’10 and by the 2nd week, she has been really good at being on all fours and rocking her body back and forth..
Today, she is able to get on all fours, rock herself back and forth and when she goes back, sits on her haunches though supported by her hands on the floor…
She has been over the last 3 weeks supporting her body on her head and raising her legs to a full stand – inspiring me to think of baba Ramdev and his Aasana..
It’s an interesting process.. how the baby brain makes her body take these steps..
Her observations of her mother are amazing.. she keeps looking at her mother for anything and everything.. her mother’s voice where ever she speaks from, immediately gets her attention and she turns in that direction..
In the last 2 weeks of March, bubbu had started blowing making the sound bbbrrrrrr between her two lips.. spitting out in the process… enjoying the whole process.. prior to this she had for a couple of weeks, taken to doing ‘haw haw haw haw’ which I am not sure where she picked up from.
Her fixation for sucking her upper lip sticking her tongue out is still on… though it seems to be less now in her waking time and more in her sleep… when she probably feels hungry… bujju says this is probably to do with some instinct that comes from something related to the basic sexual instinct/the instinct of wanting something.. have not paid much attention to this but anything is possible… right?
So bubbu today is 7 months and 37 days old. She smiles when she wakes up, she does her morning system cleanup within 30 min of her waking up – a habit which her mom says is inherited… but she has her daily pass of at least 2-3 more rounds.
She ate her first idli today 7-5-10 which she seems didn’t like as much
She has been given her 2 vaccination injections in Bombay on 3rd Apr and 30th Apr – Prevenar
She had fever after her first injection – probably because I applied a little too much ice to her thigh.. she has ever since been eating less and cries as soon as she gets off her sleep… when she is hungry.
If she has slept with her stomach full, she will wake up smiling.. else will be very cranky
She is being given night bowl of pudding since 2nd week of April and milk only in the night..
Fed her through bottle for the first time in the 2nd week of April and she easily took to the bottle at night in her sleep – probably ‘cos she was hungry and since then, she is being fed on bottle in her sleep… which I hope does not lead to some kind of habit later till we stop this from the 1st year onwards
She has been getting off the pram chair almost since April end and now she gets half way down with her legs, and her torso on the chair and pushes it around the room… delightfully enjoying it till she starts feeling the discomfort due to the twisted position.. took her video yesterday doing this…
She does not like to sit in that chair anymore and now that she has figured a way out to get off it, she wants to sit and eat.. so got to look for a chair for eating time
Have been taking her down in the complex since the last month or so.. off and on… she has to be exposed to others in the area so that she does not fear strangers… and is comfortable getting adjusted to people..
Had missed writing all this over the last 6-8 months since she was born…
And given the project allocation issue.. here I am again using my time to get my thoughts out on the blog… for her to read when she can and feels like..
All these details might get sketchy for me to later tell her.. given I don’t remember things too well as much as I want to.. bujju might remember these more than me.. the woman feels everything she does and hence it lasts in her head.. and heart.. I don’t I guess do both ?!