Tuesday, December 28, 2010

baby steps are here..

Our sweet baby started showing more confidence since yesterday 27th Dec 10. This is in addition to all the other memorable things she has showered us with… by her quick learning antics.


She took more than 2 of her baby steps without support… which starts her on her way to being the complete person she is designed to be…


She is understanding her body balance given she now walks faster with bigger steps while taking support of our single finger….


She listens attentively and she responds with her monosyllables

Her extended vocab now includes an emphatic ‘dha dha’ when she is excited to see something…


When she sees decorative lights, she is exclaiming emphatically…

She has tried to imitate a doggy ‘bhow bhow’ and is getting close to it.. also noticed she is now imitating a crows cawing…


A couple of days back she had tried to imitate my gargling also…


I will have to sit in peace and describe her to us and to herself… when she reads about it when she needs to..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Been ages I wrote over the last 6 months… lots to share but can’t really express it when there is no time, no focus and there is too many thoughts to share with my only world… my baby!!!

Still hope I can write sometime soon all that I want her to know about herself and how we perceived her to give the additional boost of confidence and determination …

As on 21/12/10… My darling sweetheart has started taking her independent steps from today as reported by Mummy dear… hesitant but definitely the attempt is there..

She has been scared of falling and injuring herself as she has fell multiple times hitting her head on the floor…

She has been in Baroda and Indore after 9 months of stay in Bombay… and with all the people around in the marriage setting.. surely that has given her a boost of confidence it seems..

More on this soon..



Sunday, July 25, 2010

the journey gets better

bubbu is 10 months and 11 days old today...
milestones come and they are getting met with some ease.. how the brain develops - an amazing journey as the baby tries to get from trying to turn over on the tummy to taking the first tentative step to stand on its feet...
bubbu has finally achieved that milestone.. standing on her feet... trying all along in the last couple of weeks of her 9th month and now in the 10th month she is on her feet... now trying to even take that step trying to balance herself holding on to a chair support or the sofa support...

there is much that goes on in that little head of hers and she has picked some very key signs of indicating her learning process of ways to avoid things, to indicate her distaste for some things and indicate what she wants and what she won't tolerate..

thats the brief state.. .details when some more patience in the head

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Been another long while that I have had the inclination to write though there is an urgent need to express for all that is happening around me


The rains were in a way delayed but somehow since Jun 10th they were supposed to be in, came in around the 15th or so – the Monday of the 14th it began raining with a very hot and humid weekend before that

I remember how I was praying for it to rain that weekend…


Today a similar situation is present in Indore when I spoke to Amma/PAppa

They said it is hot humid, the cooler is still running 24 hrs… hope it starts raining this weekend there…


Coming to the key area of expression… bubbu has been a darling all along and she is all the more endearing with every passing day

She has been through a few bouts of ups and downs -

Bubbu has started responding in her own hmmm hmmm manner and started communicating her thoughts to us

Has started doing this since around the 2nd week of June.

It’s very interesting how these small milestones get missed in the daily rush of the day

Her mom is always with her and knows when the baby has done something new but for me, sitting at office, when I go back home, I hardly get to notice these things till I spend an extended period with her.

That’s how I noticed how she had begun taking support of the French window frame and started standing up – on the last week, I think it was on 19th that I saw this though she would have been doing it almost a week or so before this date


Similarly, she has since started responding, it’s been about a week or so that this I noticed.

I started noticing this when I returned home in the evening and as the door opened and I acknowledged her, she used to express her happiness by shaking her legs and making happy sounds.

After that, over the last week, noticed that she began expressing herself through sounds as though seeking approval, indicating her interest and things which make you want to make her express herself better.

The way the mind works in these developmental stages is amazing.. I just wish I am able to share as much time with her as possible and also get her to learn things quickly at this age.


Her 9th month onset has got her to take her measles vaccination. today being the 5th day, the doc advised 10% kids show feverish symptoms between the 5th and 12th day.

Let’s hope she is in the 90% sample space. Another noticeable thing of hers is her keen interest in inspecting all corners of the house walking on her fours.

It’s an interesting space she creates for herself.. ambling like a tiger would, it’s an interesting thing to watch.. how she paces herself and puts her palms gingerly on the floor… as though expecting something else to come up from the floor…

So many other things have been missed by me… to record chronologically… though there are those random videos I have taken, but the major part of her growth happens in the day, when her mom is with her and in the hectic schedule, she does not feel inclined to shoot such memorable videos.


However, I hope I can put these memoirs online sooner than later to keep tabs on what our past and feelings were when we read these again later – a few years later maybe!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Interestingly, the vaccination Prevenar, whose impact began from 4th April has brought about some key changes in bubbu.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember if we went with a negative bias towards the vaccination, the injection or the doctor, but there was some negative bias towards the doctor for charging 4K for one injection.

This is unfolding in front of us today, since the last 4-6 weeks have been in a way traumatic to bubbu.

She has been subject to severe bouts of cold, high fever, cough, restlessness and hence to medication like Crocin drops, Nutrolin B, and Powergyl which  I wanted to avoid at all costs…

Unfortunately, things that we want to avoid come back to haunt us. – always -  a big lesson to keep in mind. Just as Amway happened, just as what Bujju says, her being pulled into a situation where she has to maintain the whole house on her own.. things like these…

So better to accept things as they come in the first go.

So bubbu is as of today, after about 6 doses of 15 drops of crocin and one shot of Zupar syrup is without any fever.

Last night, 18-5-10 was very torturous for her as she was constantly whimpering with high fever and lack of any proper rest.

I sit in the A/C in the office and forget the humid hot temp. outside and at home that they have to constantly bear.. just like I have to once I go back home or on weekends.

So now that bubbu has these symptoms of viral fever, the cause that has been ascertained is her new found freedom – of crawling all along the space of the room.. licking up the floor, sucking her hands that roam all over and thus injesting herself with viral sources.

She has been crawling by dragging herself forward on her hands and tummy and not yet on her fours.

But this important growth milestone – achieved as on 7th May 10 – probably has a lesson for us, to keep the floors clean and tidy for her, though being in Bombay, the heat, the need to keep doors and windows open, the dust flowing in freely… all a major cause for all these issues – can’t be totally avoided either.

I just hope she builds resistance to all this sooner than later.

Homeopathy is the way to go for her and bujju and I hope I can take them to the doc this weekend

So with the current period of severe project shortage and of course funds shortage, the market going bonkers with Europe, Greece crises and Germany banning some short trading.. the Maharashtra monsoon being expected earlier than stipulated, though totally at the mercy of the winds of fortune, and again the typhoon Laila building up on the eastern coast as of today, we are in really trying times… not yet in dire straits.

Bubbu has to grow up through these trying times and make the best of her abilities which we will help her grow with. Somehow I think India needs to change drastically and bubbu should be part of a more developed and mature nation than here… for her better future health and well being.

Anyways, the situation with bubbu currently is she will get up on her legs shortly, maybe another 15-20 days or a month max. then there will be more fun!!!! We need to change, I need to get the car soon though funds will be a crunch… have to plan this very well but mind is not in control!!!

Bubbu, you rock!!! Always!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Bubbus growth pattern improved in the 7th month after she came here to Bombay.

Over the last 3 days since 4th May 10, she has been saying her first so called sound tatatatata.. the soft t

She started sleeping on her side since the 3rd week of March

She started getting up on her arms since she came here in March 10

And to get on those arms, she used to flex her legs while lying on her back raise them up and tense the muscles of her thighs and calf flexing them to build strength in them to help her support when she on her stomach

She started her attempts to stand on all fours in the 1st week of April 10 and by the 2nd week, she has been really good at being on all fours and rocking her body back and forth..

Today, she is able to get on all fours, rock herself back and forth and when she goes back, sits on her haunches though supported by her hands on the floor

She has been over the last 3 weeks supporting her body on her head and raising her legs to a full stand inspiring me to think of baba Ramdev and his Aasana..

Its an interesting process.. how the baby brain makes her body take these steps..

Her observations of her mother are amazing.. she keeps looking at her mother for anything and everything.. her mothers voice where ever she speaks from, immediately gets her attention and she turns in that direction..

In the last 2 weeks of March, bubbu had started blowing making the sound bbbrrrrrr between her two lips.. spitting out in the process enjoying the whole process.. prior to this she had for a couple of weeks, taken to doing haw haw haw haw which I am not sure where she picked up from.

Her fixation for sucking her upper lip sticking her tongue out is still on though it seems to be less now in her waking time and more in her sleep when she probably feels hungry bujju says this is probably to do with some instinct that comes from something related to the basic sexual instinct/the instinct of wanting something.. have not paid much attention to this but anything is possible right?

So bubbu today is 7 months and 37 days old. She smiles when she wakes up, she does her morning system cleanup within 30 min of her waking up a habit which her mom says is inherited but she has her daily pass of at least 2-3 more rounds.

She ate her first idli today 7-5-10 which she seems didnt like as much

She has been given her 2 vaccination injections in Bombay on 3rd Apr and 30th Apr Prevenar

She had fever after her first injection probably because I applied a little too much ice to her thigh.. she has ever since been eating less and cries as soon as she gets off her sleep when she is hungry.

If she has slept with her stomach full, she will wake up smiling.. else will be very cranky

She is being given night bowl of pudding since 2nd week of April and milk only in the night..

Fed her through bottle for the first time in the 2nd week of April and she easily took to the bottle at night in her sleep probably cos she was hungry and since then, she is being fed on bottle in her sleep which I hope does not lead to some kind of habit later till we stop this from the 1st year onwards

She has been getting off the pram chair almost since April end and now she gets half way down with her legs, and her torso on the chair and pushes it around the room delightfully enjoying it till she starts feeling the discomfort due to the twisted position.. took her video yesterday doing this…

She does not like to sit in that chair anymore and now that she has figured a way out to get off it, she wants to sit and eat.. so got to look for a chair for eating time

Have been taking her down in the complex since the last month or so.. off and on she has to be exposed to others in the area so that she does not fear strangers and is comfortable getting adjusted to people..

Had missed writing all this over the last 6-8 months since she was born

And given the project allocation issue.. here I am again using my time to get my thoughts out on the blog for her to read when she can and feels like..

All these details might get sketchy for me to later tell her.. given I dont remember things too well as much as I want to.. bujju might remember these more than me.. the woman feels everything she does and hence it lasts in her head.. and heart.. I dont I guess do both ?!