Sunday, June 7, 2009

2 weeks later...

it's the 7th month onset..
i have been distracted a lot
and the drive to write went low

the baby needs to know later what all we thought about it.. what we went through before it's arrival and how we dealt with it.
there have been fears on the behalf of the mom..
i have watched some Discovery channel serials which showed how the babies of some animals went through their life cycles...
i am in awe how the human baby develops with time

now the baby can hear music and can react to the voices around.. in a way I have distracted interest in the happenings of my baby.. not a good idea but imagine how it was in the times way back when.. though there is an option now to keep track of how the baby is.. it takes a long time and effort...

not sure how to manage it..
but I want to be with the baby soon
work is slow and some crappy work is on from tomorrow.. not sure how long it will last and how i will manage it in Sep. but I need to be with her from Aug itself.

I want to read stories to the baby and make it a very inquisitive and responsible individual...
lets hope luck is on my side..
there are so many other things to do in parallel..

went to meet the psycho counsellor but the situation and background set up was totally unexpected but i played by my ear...

Navin Varma became a dad now - on 26th May
Shx became a dad 2 months back
there is a surge.. and there is a need for more care and alertness... in all ways